The Ayurvedic Clock
Factors affecting the disease process in Ayurveda. Understanding the Ayurvedic Clock helps us stay healthy and balanced in life.

An Ayurvedic Approach To Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune diseases are on the rise in our country. Many people slowly develop autoimmune conditions without even realizing anything is...

Symptoms Of A Congested Lymphatic System
Bloating around the tummy Breast swelling or tenderness Cellulite Cold hands and feet Fatigue and lack of mental clarity Itching skin...

Are Fermented Foods Good For Me
Fermented foods are miso, vinegar, wine, pickles, kombucha, aged cheeses, sauerkraut and kimchi. Fermented foods increase heat in the...

The Leaky Gut Program
In Ayurvedic Medicine, the root cause of any symptom or disease starts in our digestion. At least 80% of our immune system is in the gut....

Why Does My Stomach Hurt?
Gastrointestinal problems are more common than not. The GI condition known as "leaky gut syndrome" has been gaining a lot of attention...

Foods To Favor In The Fall
The elements and qualities of the seasons and foods are the basis for Ayurveda. Fall has the elements of air and ether which are the...

How To Have An Excellent Digestion
According to Ayurveda, the health and integrity of the digestive process is the foundation for one's health. Around 75% of Americans...

Secrets To Enjoying Gluten Again Gluten And Digestive Issues Part 2
If you feel you have a gluten intolerance and feel you do not want to eat gluten again, that is fine. If you feel you have a weakened...